This bookis aselectionoftherevisedcontributionsthatwereinitially submitted to the International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval (AMR 2008). TheworkshopwasorganizedattheFraunhoferInstitute forTelecommunications HHI, Berlin, Germany, during June 26 27, 2008. The goalof the AMR workshopsis to intensify the exchangeof ideasbetween di?erentresearchcommunities, toprovideanoverviewofcurrentactivitiesinthis areaandtopointoutconnectionsbetweenthediverseresearchescommunities, in particular the ones focussing on multimedia retrieval and arti?cial intelligence. In this spirit, the ?rst three...
This bookis aselectionoftherevisedcontributionsthatwereinitially submitted to the International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval (AMR 2008). ...