The book integrates the knowledge and reflections of thirty scientists, of which many have dedicated a substantial part of their professional life to the Galapagos archipelago, to the conservation of its biodiversity and to the sustainable management of its resources. The book can be considered a milestone on the way to the successful conservation and sustainable development of this unique world heritage site.
The book integrates the knowledge and reflections of thirty scientists, of which many have dedicated a substantial part of their professional life ...
This text integrates the knowledge and reflections of 30 scientists, of which many have dedicated a substantial part of their professional life to the Galapagos archipelago, to the conservation of its biodiversity and to the sustainable management of its resources.
This text integrates the knowledge and reflections of 30 scientists, of which many have dedicated a substantial part of their professional life to the...
Die automatische Auswertung von Signalen spielt in der modernenInformationstechnik eine grosse Rolle. Dieses Lehrbuch bietet, ausgehend vonder Reprasentation des Signals im Merkmalraum, die Beschreibung wichtigerKlassifikationsverfahren. Dazu zahlen Linear- und Bayes Klassifikatoren, Supportvektormaschinen, Klassifikatoren auf der Basis von Gaussian-Mixture-Modellen und Hidden-Markov-Modellen sowie Klassenfolgenklassifikatoren.Weiterhin werden wichtige Grundlagen der Automatentheorie (Finite StateMachines) sowie ausgewahlte maschinelle Lernverfahren dargestellt.Die Darstellung setzt die...
Die automatische Auswertung von Signalen spielt in der modernenInformationstechnik eine grosse Rolle. Dieses Lehrbuch bietet, ausgehend vonder Reprase...