"Wer Bist Du?" is a German children story about a girl named Sue, who goes to a family reunion at her grandmother's house. It was written as an introduction for children to genealogy. It tells the story of how we are related to the different members of our family. It is wonderful to see the eyes of a child light up when they realize that they are a part of a much larger family of second cousins and great aunts & uncles.
"Wer Bist Du?" is a German children story about a girl named Sue, who goes to a family reunion at her grandmother's house. It was written as an introd...
"Who Are You?" is a children story about a girl named Sue, who goes to a family reunion at her grandmother's house. It was written as an introduction for children to genealogy. It tells the story of how we are related to the different members of our family. It is wonderful to see the eyes of a child light up when they realize that they are a part of a much larger family of second cousins and great aunts & uncles.
"Who Are You?" is a children story about a girl named Sue, who goes to a family reunion at her grandmother's house. It was written as an introduction ...
"I Like to Walk " is a children story about a dog named Ian, who goes on a walk with his master. It was written as an introduction for children to the exercise of walking. It tells the story of how we can enjoy getting our exercise from a pet's perspective. It is wonderful to see the eyes of a child light up when they realize the possibilities of having fun outdoors and all the different adventures they could do.
"I Like to Walk " is a children story about a dog named Ian, who goes on a walk with his master. It was written as an introduction for children to the...
"Ich mag es zu laufen " is a German children story about a dog named Ian, who goes on a walk with his master. It was written as an introduction for children to the exercise of walking. It tells the story of how we can enjoy getting our exercise from a pet's perspective. It is wonderful to see the eyes of a child light up when they realize the possibilities of having fun outdoors and all the different adventures they could do.
"Ich mag es zu laufen " is a German children story about a dog named Ian, who goes on a walk with his master. It was written as an introduction for ch...
"Ich mag Gemuse " is a German children story about a boy named Jesse, who has a very creative imagination. It was written shortly after talking with parents about getting their children to eat more vegetables. It tells the story of how they can enjoy eating healthy by combining it with playtime games. It is wonderful to see the eyes of a child light up when they realize the possibilities of having fun with all the different adventures they could imagine doing.
"Ich mag Gemuse " is a German children story about a boy named Jesse, who has a very creative imagination. It was written shortly after talking with p...
"I Like Veggies " is a children story about a boy named Jesse, who has a very creative imagination. It was written shortly after talking with parents about getting their children to eat more vegetables. It tells the story of how they can enjoy eating healthy by combining it with playtime games. It is wonderful to see the eyes of a child light up when they realize the possibilities of having fun with all the different adventures they could imagine doing.
"I Like Veggies " is a children story about a boy named Jesse, who has a very creative imagination. It was written shortly after talking with parents ...