It is a general trend in computing that computers are becoming ever smaller and ever more interconnected. Sensor networks - large networks of small, simple devices - are a logical extreme of this trend. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are attracting an increasing degree of research interest, with a growing number of industrial applications starting to emerge. Two of these applications, personal health monitoring and emergency/disaster recovery, are the focus of the European Commission project ProSense: Promote, Mobilize, Reinforce and Integrate Wireless Sensor Networking Research and...
It is a general trend in computing that computers are becoming ever smaller and ever more interconnected. Sensor networks - large networks of small, s...
It is a general trend in computing that computers are becoming ever smaller and ever more interconnected. Sensor networks - large networks of small, simple devices - are a logical extreme of this trend. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are attracting an increasing degree of research interest, with a growing number of industrial applications starting to emerge. Two of these applications, personal health monitoring and emergency/disaster recovery, are the focus of the European Commission project ProSense: Promote, Mobilize, Reinforce and Integrate Wireless Sensor Networking Research and...
It is a general trend in computing that computers are becoming ever smaller and ever more interconnected. Sensor networks - large networks of small, s...