We are told to enter through the narrow gate for it leads to life and few are they that find it. Matthew 7:14]
So if the path is narrow and those that travel are few then how could they be identified with a church that currently numbers itself close to a billion people (1/8th the world's population). The numbers do not fit. Either the Lord is grossly mistaken regarding the word 'few' or perhaps we have deceived ourselves. The Lord Jesus said that Moses wrote about him. Moses said that God would send us a prophet, someone much like Moses himself. This prophet would...
We are told to enter through the narrow gate for it leads to life and few are they that find it. Matthew 7:14]
There are two parables that people have trouble in understanding. This being the case they are often ignored or treated as of no effect. It is a great pity for these parables both start with the words 'The kingdom of heaven is like this...' and if God the Father is speaking these words to us through His servant Jesus and we choose to ignore them then one day it is quite possible we might regret our inaction.
For Moses Himself spoke to us regarding the coming of Jesus. He said that God would raise up a prophet from amongst His people. He would speak through this prophet and He would...
There are two parables that people have trouble in understanding. This being the case they are often ignored or treated as of no effect. It is a gr...