Formal logic, having been formulated by Aristotle, a renowned Greek philosopher, ruled unrivaled, as a form of reasoning, among the literate cultures for more than two thousand years. Its intellectual foundation was severely shaken by George Helel's idealistic dialectical logic, and was further discredited by dialectical materialist logic of Frederick Engels, Karl Marx, and Josef Dietzgen. But the university admirerers of formal logic learned to readapt its forms to the new conditions, practically incapable of revising its content. Rehabilitated, it keeps serving its social slave masters. But...
Formal logic, having been formulated by Aristotle, a renowned Greek philosopher, ruled unrivaled, as a form of reasoning, among the literate cultures ...
The world population will be soon reaching more than 10 billion. Capitalist economic system, while a paradise for 1% of the world population, is a living hell for the majority of mankind, unable to give them jobs and the basics of life. The governmentally owned, and run economies, such as the ex Soviet Union, Eastern European Countries, China, North Korea, North Vietnam, Cuba, falsely impersonating themselves a Marxist Socialism, while providing some social services to the general population, betrayed the hope of admirers, and fell with disagree, one after another, proved incapable of...
The world population will be soon reaching more than 10 billion. Capitalist economic system, while a paradise for 1% of the world population, is a liv...
The Vantage Press, which published this book in 1979, wrote this review on the book " Most people think of science and philosophy as two separate and unrelated subjects. The author of this book, Hossein Dallalbashi, shows how this need not be so, and offers a through analysis of the relation between natural sciences and scientific materialistic philosophy. He begins by showing how Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels took the mechanical materialist philosophy of their time, and applied the idea of evolution to it, thereby developing dialectical materialist logic. The author points out how in order...
The Vantage Press, which published this book in 1979, wrote this review on the book " Most people think of science and philosophy as two separate and ...