This story takes place when demons, devils, and angels fought on earth. Britney, a seven year old girl, ends up in the hands of the demon lord Jerad. Britney finds herself in an adventure, Meeting some new friends, Britney trys to save Jerad from his own evil past.
This story takes place when demons, devils, and angels fought on earth. Britney, a seven year old girl, ends up in the hands of the demon lord Jerad. ...
When Belth and Syra get sucked into a mutant world. They need help from an invisable man named Javier. They only have moments to get the talisman that brought them there back from the evil mutant Nickolas.
When Belth and Syra get sucked into a mutant world. They need help from an invisable man named Javier. They only have moments to get the talisman that...