Inspired and co-created by Bindi Irwin, daughter of iconic wildlife expert Steve Irwin, and Dancing With The Stars contestant.When someone tries to steal a water dragon from Bindi's birthday party at the Australia Zoo, Bindi and her brother must save the water dragon and the party
Bindi's birthday party at the zoo is going to be HUGE. Karaoke, animal rides, dancing competitions-it's all happening But when a spoiled ten-year-old boy decides he wants to take home one of the zoo's precious water dragons, Bindi, her brother Robert, and a green-winged macaw come to the rescue. Can Bindi save...
Inspired and co-created by Bindi Irwin, daughter of iconic wildlife expert Steve Irwin, and Dancing With The Stars contestant.When someone tries to st...
Bindi and her family are on their way to the jungle to collect three cute tiger cubs to take back to Australia Zoo. Soon after meeting the playful cubs, Bindi and her new friend, Madi, learn that the tigers in a nearby park are in danger from thieves Can the two friends track down the gang before they nab the tigers? Exciting Animal Fact Files included in every book Australia Zoo: Home of The Crocodile Hunter A portion of all proceeds go to Australian Zoo Conservation Projects
Bindi and her family are on their way to the jungle to collect three cute tiger cubs to take back to Australia Zoo. Soon after meeting the playful cub...