Nick Colton was a spoiled rich kid when he ran away from Seattle, leaving his best friend and lover Alex Diaz behind. Ten years later, he's back. He says he's there to donate bone marrow for his half-sister, but Alex knows there's more to it than that. Alex wants to protect himself and everyone else from Nick's plans, but he needs to spend time with the man in order to figure out what he's up to. And the more time they spend together, the more Alex realizes that his own attraction to Nick is far from resolved. Nick is bent on revenge, Alex is trying to maintain his straight and conservative...
Nick Colton was a spoiled rich kid when he ran away from Seattle, leaving his best friend and lover Alex Diaz behind. Ten years later, he's back. He s...
As an elite Sacrati fighter in the mighty Torian military, Theos is blessed with a city full of women who want to bear his children, and a barracks full of men proud to fight at his side and share his bed. He has everything he needs-until he captures Finnvid on a raid.
Finnvid is on a secret mission to prevent the Torian invasion of his homeland, Elkat. Being enslaved by Torian soldiers wasn't in his plans. Neither is his horrified fascination with the casual promiscuity of the Sacrati warriors. Men should not lie with other men-and he should not be so intrigued when they do. He...
As an elite Sacrati fighter in the mighty Torian military, Theos is blessed with a city full of women who want to bear his children, and a barracks fu...
Dan pourrait simplement partir, laisser tout Ca derriEre lui. Il a suffisamment d'argent. Il pourrait se faire envoyer ses affaires et son cheval plus tard, oU qu'il soit. Partir, c'Etait ce qu'il faisait quand il ne pouvait plus faire face, avant. Et Ca marchait.
Justin Archer est pour Dan Wheeler un collEgue, un partenaire, un amour et une stabilitE incomparables. Mais quand Dan se retrouve seul, A travailler comme entraIneur pour les parents de Justin, il doit accepter l'inEluctable: sa vie parfaite a disparu A...
Californie Equestre, tome 1
Dan pourrait simplement partir, laisser tout Ca derriEre lui. Il a suffisamment d'...
A deux, c'est dEjA difficile. Alors ajouter un troisiEme lA-dedans... Je ne sais pas. Est-ce que ce n'est pas chercher les emmerdes ?
Ca n'a pas EtE facile, mais l'entraIneur Equestre Dan Wheeler commence A se construire une nouvelle vie en Californie, avec ses amants Evan Kaminski et Jeff Stevens. Quand tout se passe bien, c'est magnifique; affection, humour, passion. Mais tout ne se passe pas toujours au mieux.
Jeff, Evan et Dan vivent heureux depuis deux ans. Ils ont toujours des problEmes, surtout Dan et Evan, mais en gEnEral, ils parviennent A transformer les dEsagrEments personnels en tension sexuelle - qu'ils rEsolvent bien vite - et personne ne se plaint.
Puis la sOEur de Dan, enceinte de sept mois et en fuite depuis des annEes, dEbarque dans leur vie, et la situation devient Etouffante. Jeff et Evan veulent aider Dan, mais, entre Evan qui craint pour la sEcuritE...
Serie Un cavallo nell'ombra, Libro 1 Dan pensa all'idea di continuare semplicemente a guidare, lasciando tutti i casini alle spalle. Ha abbastanza denaro per farlo. Si potrebbe organizzare, fare arrivare il suo cavallo e le sue cose dove decidera di fermarsi. D'altra parte, andarsene e quello che ha sempre fatto, ogni volta che le cose sono diventate troppo difficili - e, davvero, e sempre andata bene cosi. Dan Wheeler pensava di aver trovato un equilibrio e un amore che sarebbero durati in eterno con Justin Archer, suo partner nella vita e nel lavoro. Ma quando Dan, continuando a lavorare...
Serie Un cavallo nell'ombra, Libro 1 Dan pensa all'idea di continuare semplicemente a guidare, lasciando tutti i casini alle spalle. Ha abbastanza den...
Trouble comes to Mosely, Montana, from the outside world. When the residents of Mosely are left on their own, they can make things work. Sure, there's always been a militia operating up in the hills, but they were small-scale--just survivalists doing their thing--until organizers came in from out of state. Now Jericho Crewe and the rest of the sheriff's department are facing down a heavily armed band of fanatics, and the feds are busy elsewhere.
The odds are hopeless, but Jericho swore an oath to serve and protect the citizens of Mosely. He won't...
Trouble comes to Mosely, Montana, from the outside world. When the residents of Mosely are left on their own, they can make things work. Su...