NewInternetdevelopmentsposegreaterandgreaterprivacydilemmas. Inthe- formation Society, the need for individuals to protect their autonomy and retain control over their personal information is becoming more and more important. Today, informationandcommunicationtechnologies andthepeopleresponsible for making decisions about them, designing, and implementing them scarcely consider those requirements, thereby potentially putting individuals privacy at risk. The increasingly collaborative character of the Internet enables anyone to compose services and contribute and distribute information. It may...
NewInternetdevelopmentsposegreaterandgreaterprivacydilemmas. Inthe- formation Society, the need for individuals to protect their autonomy and retain c...
NewInternetdevelopmentsposegreaterandgreaterprivacydilemmas. Inthe- formation Society, the need for individuals to protect their autonomy and retain control over their personal information is becoming more and more important. Today, informationandcommunicationtechnologies andthepeopleresponsible for making decisions about them, designing, and implementing them scarcely consider those requirements, thereby potentially putting individuals privacy at risk. The increasingly collaborative character of the Internet enables anyone to compose services and contribute and distribute information. It may...
NewInternetdevelopmentsposegreaterandgreaterprivacydilemmas. Inthe- formation Society, the need for individuals to protect their autonomy and retain c...