Cross-Cultural Analysis is the sequel to Culture's Consequences, the classic work published by Geert Hofstede, one of the most influential management thinkers in today's times. Hofstede's original work introduced a new research paradigm in cross-cultural analysis: studying cultural differences through nation-level dimensions (complex variables defined by intercorrelated items). This paradigm has been subsequently used by hundreds of prominent scholars all over the world and has produced solid results.
This new text takes the next step: It critically examines in one...
Cross-Cultural Analysis is the sequel to Culture's Consequences, the classic work published by Geert Hofstede, one of the most influe...
Cross-Cultural Analysis is the sequel to Culture's Consequences, the classic work published by Geert Hofstede, one of the most influential management thinkers in today's times. Hofstede's original work introduced a new research paradigm in cross-cultural analysis: studying cultural differences through nation-level dimensions (complex variables defined by intercorrelated items). This paradigm has been subsequently used by hundreds of prominent scholars all over the world and has produced solid results.
This new text takes the next step: It critically examines in one...
Cross-Cultural Analysis is the sequel to Culture's Consequences, the classic work published by Geert Hofstede, one of the most influe...
Hofstede, Geert; Hofstede, Gert J.; Minkov, Michael
Wie unsere Herkunft das Denken, Fühlen und Handeln beeinflusst: Brandaktuell in Zeiten großer Migrationsbewegungen erhält der Leser auf gut verständliche und anregende Weise Einsichten darüber, wie der Ort, an dem wir aufgewachsen sind, unsere Art zu denken, zu fühlen und zu handeln formt.
Wie unsere Herkunft das Denken, Fühlen und Handeln beeinflusst: Brandaktuell in Zeiten großer Migrationsbewegungen erhält der Leser auf gut verstä...