"Real Pearls and Darned Stockings" consists of a series of amusing, revealing vignettes relating to the inexorable changing of The Old Guard in the Roosevelt/Livingston Hudson Valley. During the last half of the twentieth century, Edith Wharton's marvelous world of elegant society, good and proper manners, indoor swimming pools, private golf clubs -- real pearls and darned stockings -- became transformed by an upwardly mobile generation, the environmentally aware New Guard.
"Real Pearls and Darned Stockings" consists of a series of amusing, revealing vignettes relating to the inexorable changing of The Old Guard in the Ro...
Once considered unpublishable in the US (but warmly received in The Netherlands and Germany) "Menopause Can Be Fun" is a warm and encouraging guide for anyone, female or male, approaching The Golden Age. With a bit of well pointed humor and a lot of facts, this book can be a companion for those whose bodies are entering "second puberty."
Once considered unpublishable in the US (but warmly received in The Netherlands and Germany) "Menopause Can Be Fun" is a warm and encouraging guide fo...