This volume offers a vision of the evolution of the robotics and charts future directions. Coverage includes novel robot design and robot modules/components, innovations in sensor systems for robots and perception and recent advances in robotics.
This volume offers a vision of the evolution of the robotics and charts future directions. Coverage includes novel robot design and robot modules/c...
This proceedings volume contains papers that have been selected after review for oral presentation at ROMANSY 2016, the 21th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators. These papers cover advances on several aspects of the wide field of Robotics as concerning Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators.
ROMANSY 2016 is the 21st event in a series that started in 1973 as one of the first conference activities in the world on Robotics. The first event was held at CISM (International Centre for Mechanical Science) in Udine, Italy on 5-8 September 1973. It...
This proceedings volume contains papers that have been selected after review for oral presentation at ROMANSY 2016, the 21th CISM-IFToMM Symposium ...