Part 2 - The continuing tale of an eleven years old, Australian boy called Ethan who finds a strange, magical stick called Mentor Immortalis whom insists on following him to Scotland - during which he is introduced into the world of magic, strange creatures and animate objects...
Part 2 - The continuing tale of an eleven years old, Australian boy called Ethan who finds a strange, magical stick called Mentor Immortalis whom insi...
The Twin worlds of Earth and Annwyn are in crisis: the seasons are out of balance and the worlds are dying. Their only hope is Daimon, an Athenian boy, and a small bird named Emily. Dragged through a portal between the two worlds, Emily almost dies in the snow. Eostra, Mother Spring, saves Emily s life and transforms her into a snow rabbit. Now Emily s quest begins, and with Daimon as her protector, she must decipher the prophecy and gather The Circle of Six, beings of great power called on in times of darkness upon the land. An Air-Elf, a young scholar, a prince and a fire-tiger are the...
The Twin worlds of Earth and Annwyn are in crisis: the seasons are out of balance and the worlds are dying. Their only hope is Daimon, an Athenian boy...
Thirty-one beautifully detailed illustrations to color feature a dazzling array of dragons in dramatic settings. From soaring over the seas to slumbering in the forest, these magnificent beasts will delight fantasy-loving colorists. Pages are perforated and printed on one side only for easy removal and display. Specially designed for experienced colorists, Fantastical Dragons and other Creative Haven(R) adult coloring books offer an escape to a world of inspiration and artistic fulfillment. Each title is also an effective and fun-filled way to relax and reduce stress.
Thirty-one beautifully detailed illustrations to color feature a dazzling array of dragons in dramatic settings. From soaring over the seas to slum...