Lloyd Gordon's novel, The Dirty Money Trap, begins as family story, with protagonist Mathew Crawford struggling to survive a dominating and callous father, with his friend and companion, Karl Folkestad (Foley), always there to offer support and guidance. Readers are caught up in Mat's life as he matures, falls in love, and manages to separate himself from his father's influence. Suddenly, everything changes and the deep resentment long suppressed toward his father rises and takes over his life. Bitter and deluded, Mat takes Foley and together they enter the underworld of crime. Trapped...
Lloyd Gordon's novel, The Dirty Money Trap, begins as family story, with protagonist Mathew Crawford struggling to survive a dominating and callous fa...
A Crate Full Of Lemons is a fast-paced adventure story about twin brothers who are math geniuses and who, through some dire twists of fate, find themselves setting out on a desperate mission to save themselves and their family. A Crate Full of Lemons is an action story with a literary heart.
A Crate Full Of Lemons is a fast-paced adventure story about twin brothers who are math geniuses and who, through some dire twists of fate, find thems...
"Where's the Gun?" is a realistic coming-of-age novel about redemption. LittleJohn Goddard spent his youth living in fear of his violent father. There came a day when LittleJohn rose up-changing both of their lives forever. That's only the beginning. LittleJohn flourishes-until a terrible twist of fate nearly crushes him. What follows is a gripping story of deprivation, survival, despair, hope and, ultimately, love.
"Where's the Gun?" is a realistic coming-of-age novel about redemption. LittleJohn Goddard spent his youth living in fear of his violent father. There...