Magical World combines sorcery and magic with humanity and romance. The story follows the heroine Munlee on her quest to uphold the family legacy of being one of the most prominent and powerful sorceresses while still holding strong to a more human and emotional side. Despite living in a magical community, she frequents a book store in a non-magic user town near her home. There she finds Seth, a perfectly ordinary human boy who shares her love of books and art. Together they explore the boundaries of friendship and forge a bond that cannot be shattered despite their diverse lifestyles and...
Magical World combines sorcery and magic with humanity and romance. The story follows the heroine Munlee on her quest to uphold the family legacy of b...
Impossible Life is a young adult story that merges reality and the impossible. Megan, the heroine, is a genius scientist who has lived in Alaska on a research station all her life. She and her best friend Pierre, a vampire born in the year 1550 have joined a group of other vampires and werewolves who seek out mythical creatures in an effort to learn about them and protect them from human interference. Megan is not a people person, but shares everything with her mother, who lives on a research station in Antarctica, and Pierre, who lives in a remote area in Alaska. Megan finds friendship from...
Impossible Life is a young adult story that merges reality and the impossible. Megan, the heroine, is a genius scientist who has lived in Alaska on a ...
Humans have only recently become aware of alien life. Aliens work side by side with Humans across the planet at science stations, although few Humans have ever met an alien up close. Felicia Creswell happens to be one of those few. Felicia, a highly intelligent diplomat and humanitarian finds herself forming a strong and inseparable friendship with Leshreen, a member of the Gretorian species. The Gretorians are an elusive and secretive, yet highly intelligent species. Little did Felicia know that her bond with Leshreen would put her on the path of mythical proportions. She would soon find...
Humans have only recently become aware of alien life. Aliens work side by side with Humans across the planet at science stations, although few Humans ...