Synopsis: Consistently Pro-Life is a book about killing. Specifically, it takes up the question of when and under what circumstances is it morally justifiable for a Christian to take human life. The murder of abortionist Dr. George Tiller on Pentecost Sunday 2009 reignited the national debate over abortion by focusing attention on the seeming hypocrisy of those who would kill to defend life. But many times, those who would condemn the killing of Dr. Tiller would readily justify the killing of human beings in other circumstances. This leads to the question: What basis do we have to judge a...
Synopsis: Consistently Pro-Life is a book about killing. Specifically, it takes up the question of when and under what circumstances is it morally jus...
Description: The work of American Baptist missionaries among the Telugu people in India in the nineteenth century came to fruition in 1897, when Telugus established their own indigenous missionary organization, the Telugu Home Missionary Society. Six years later, in 1903, the society took the highly ambitious step of sending one of its own, John Rangiah, to South Africa as a missionary to work among Telugus who'd gone to that country as indentured laborers. Vision in Progress tells the story of Indian Baptists' work in South Africa, work mitigated by the negatives influences of colonialism...
Description: The work of American Baptist missionaries among the Telugu people in India in the nineteenth century came to fruition in 1897, when Telug...