Of all the island groups in the outer Pacific none surpass the Fijis in their rare combination of beautiful scenery and interesting natives. The islands are upon the opposite side of the world from England, for the meridian of 180 passes through the centre of the group crossing the island of Taviuni... That dauntless old rover, Abel Jansen Tasman, discovered them in 1643 on his way from Tonga in the Heemskirk and Zeehaan and named them "Prince William's Islands" and "Heemskirk's Shoals." After this, they were all but forgotten until July 2, 1774, when Captain James Cook sighted the small...
Of all the island groups in the outer Pacific none surpass the Fijis in their rare combination of beautiful scenery and interesting natives. The islan...
Tahiti is situated in South Latitude 1740' and West Longitude 149 25'. In other words, upon the opposite side of the world from the middle of Africa, and nearly at the center of the Pacific Ocean. In outline, it is figure-8 shaped, being a twin island, consisting of two oval land masses joined by the low, narrow isthmus of Taravao. The major axis of the island extends from northwest to southeast, and is only about 37 miles long. The larger land mass, called Great Tahiti has about four times the area of Little Tahiti which lies to the southeastward. The total length of the coast line is not...
Tahiti is situated in South Latitude 1740' and West Longitude 149 25'. In other words, upon the opposite side of the world from the middle of Africa, ...
Ce livre traite de l'histoire ancienne de Tahiti et de sa decouverte. S'etendant loin des sentiers de commerce et d'exploration, l'ile de Tahiti est demeuree inconnue jusqu'a ce qu'en 1767, annee ou le navigateur anglais Samuel Wallis a vu ses pics splendides au cours de son voyage autour du monde. A sa decouverte, l'ile etait gouvernee par un chef nomme Amo, dont la famille regnait depuis plus de 150 ans. Les indigenes, etonnes plutot qu'effrayes a la vue du navire de Wallis, laisserent debarquer les Europeens; mais bientot, des querelles s'etant elevees pour des motifs assez futiles, on...
Ce livre traite de l'histoire ancienne de Tahiti et de sa decouverte. S'etendant loin des sentiers de commerce et d'exploration, l'ile de Tahiti est d...