This book systematically addresses the primary internal barriers to the growth of a company, and provides clear, practical guidance not only for discovering these barriers at the source, but for systematically overcoming them.
This book systematically addresses the primary internal barriers to the growth of a company, and provides clear, practical guidance not only for disco...
Corporate decisions have consequences, especially if they pertain to a company's strategic advancement. These decisions are almost always implemented using an organizational development project. Understandably, members of the senior management and project management prefer to make the process as predictable and tangible as possible. Frequently, they rely on resource planning for (a subjective sense of) certainty. However, it can be generally observed that traditional resource planning is an insufficient solution for organizational development projects. Quotes like the following illustrate how...
Corporate decisions have consequences, especially if they pertain to a company's strategic advancement. These decisions are almost always implemented ...
"Wachstum beginnt oben" - dies ist in dreifacher Hinsicht richtig: 1. In Unternehmen beginnt Wachstum stets in der Unternehmensfuhrung, denn ohne das wachstumsorientierte Wirken der Fuhrenden kann ein Unternehmen nicht florieren bestenfalls wachst es gebremst. 2. Damit die Unternehmensfuhrung in Richtung Wachstum wirken kann, muss der Wachstumsanspruch und ein positives Grundverstandnis oben im Kopf der handelnden Personen angekommen sein. 3. Profitables Wachstum startet mitnichten bei der letzten Zeile der Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung, dem Gewinn, sondern bei den ersten Zeilen, dem Umsatz....
"Wachstum beginnt oben" - dies ist in dreifacher Hinsicht richtig: 1. In Unternehmen beginnt Wachstum stets in der Unternehmensfuhrung, denn ohne d...
This book systematically addresses the primary internal barriers to the growth of a company, and provides clear, practical guidance not only for discovering these barriers at the source, but for systematically overcoming them.
This book systematically addresses the primary internal barriers to the growth of a company, and provides clear, practical guidance not only for disco...