Two vital and dynamite topics are merged into one book. Alert the Media studies how the American Indian Movement (AIM), a major political movement sweeping the country in the 1970s used, and was used by the mass media. Chapter topics include: Movement toward Social Change (basis of motivation, goals, structure and methods); Mass Media - Power and Responsibility (cultural history and development); American Indian Culture (language, beliefs, and institutions); American Indian Movement (AIM formation and foundation, leadership objectives and failures, and the trail of broken treaties); Wounded...
Two vital and dynamite topics are merged into one book. Alert the Media studies how the American Indian Movement (AIM), a major political movement swe...
Little Girl Lost, a true story of a boy's drowing and his 10-year-old sister's loss, is drawn from the author's haunting memories of growing up in a suburb of Detroit, Michigan in the 1940s. Part II of the book offers adults resosurces and a bibliography to assist children experiencing loss and grief. The author has said: "Thank God, there's an increasing awareness and emphasis in helping children understand and process the impact of traumatic and tragic events and experiences that directly or indirectly affect their lives. The counseling of children has come a long, long way from the times...
Little Girl Lost, a true story of a boy's drowing and his 10-year-old sister's loss, is drawn from the author's haunting memories of growing up in a s...