Dr. Robert (Rob) Peters is the Senior Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Rob is the founder of Truth in Love Ministries, a growing radio ministry that seeks to share God s Word, making biblical truths practical and applicable to everyday life. He is also co-founder of The Center for Biblical Sexuality. He has a Master of Divinity from Southwestern Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry from Southwestern Seminary. Dr. Peters worked in the business world prior to entering the ministry and has a degree in accounting.
Dr. Robert (Rob) Peters is the Senior Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Rob is the founder of Truth in Love Ministrie...
For the past seven months, a continuous stream of deadly atrocities has blanketed the entire country. Now panic and fear is flowing through the veins of every American--and with good reason. A group of extreme terrorists known as the Sons of Allah have just murdered the president, vice president, and several top government officials. As everyone wonders if a terrorist cell has infiltrated the walls of the White House, the Sons of Allah tightens its noose around America.
While the terrorist group begins contaminating the American flu vaccine with a deadly toxin, the CIA director's...
For the past seven months, a continuous stream of deadly atrocities has blanketed the entire country. Now panic and fear is flowing through the vei...