Modern international studies of world theatre and drama have begun to acknowledge the Arab world only after the contributions of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Within the Arab world, the contributions of Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco to modern drama and to post-colonial expression remain especially neglected, a problem that this book addresses.
Modern international studies of world theatre and drama have begun to acknowledge the Arab world only after the contributions of Asia, Africa and Lati...
(Please note: This book is published in Hungarian) The volume titled "A szinpadtol a szinpadig" ("From the Stage to the Stage") edited by Maria Kurdi and Zsuzsa Csikai contains selections from various parts of the work of theatre studies expert Professor Marvin Carlson (City University of New York, Graduate Center), in Hungarian translation. The selections were made from the following books by the author: "Theatre Semiotics: Signs of Life"; "Performance: A Critical Introduction"; "The Haunted Stage: Theatre as Memory-Machine"; "Speaking in Tongues: Languages at Play in the Theatre";...
(Please note: This book is published in Hungarian) The volume titled "A szinpadtol a szinpadig" ("From the Stage to the Stage") edited by Maria Ku...