This Positive Thought book by Beth and Lee McCain, with additional stories by other exceptional writers, is the product of years of Law of Attraction instruction and seminar appearances. Unlimited Thoughts offers hundreds of thoughts expressed by Beth and Lee concerning the Law of Attraction and how to apply it in the reader's life. There is no mystery here; the Law of Attraction is for everyone in the world, and through the pages of this book the reader will see firsthand how positive thought and the Law of Attraction work hand in hand to deliver the life we each are meant to enjoy.
This Positive Thought book by Beth and Lee McCain, with additional stories by other exceptional writers, is the product of years of Law of Attraction ...
Author Patty Orr has been around the block. Her life has consisted of more ups and downs than an elevator, yet through all of the many challenges she faced she never felt alone. She didn't know why; all she knew was that there was someone or something watching her back. Following a determined period of research and self discovery she received the answers she sought. And was she ever surprised. She met and cultivated beautiful relationships with her angels. But they're not just Patty's angels; they are yours as well. And they love you and would be honored to meet and serve you too. Since...
Author Patty Orr has been around the block. Her life has consisted of more ups and downs than an elevator, yet through all of the many challenges she ...