La iglesia rapidamente esta llegando a las ultimas horas antes del regreso del Senor. Las Escrituras claramente nos revelan que las fuerzas malvadas seran soltadas sobre este mundo. Estas fuerzas demoniacas causaran el mas vicioso impacto de terror y violencia que la humanidad jamas haya experimentado. Como podra sobrevivir el cuerpo de Cristo a tal impacto? Con la ayuda de Sus Angeles La afluencia angelical en nuestras iglesias y en nuestras propias vidas sera una de las mas insolitas caracteristicas de la culminacion de los eventos de los ultimos dias, de acuerdo a la tabla de tiempo de...
La iglesia rapidamente esta llegando a las ultimas horas antes del regreso del Senor. Las Escrituras claramente nos revelan que las fuerzas malvadas s...
The missing element of the gospel message is as Jesus prayed, "His Kingdom Come." This study presents how absolutely essential it is to preach about the Kingdom of God, including the Biblical precedent for preaching about angels and the things of the spirit realm.
The missing element of the gospel message is as Jesus prayed, "His Kingdom Come." This study presents how absolutely essential it is to preach about t...
French Language Version of His Kingdom Come Il est temps pour l'Eglise de devenir ce pour quoi Dieu l'a creee: une armee d'amoureux et de guerriers. Dieu est den train de preparer actuellement une armee puissante de Saints qui accueilleront Sa gloire sur cette planete. Cette armee doit comprendre que Sa premiere mission est de PRECHER L'EVANGILE DU ROYAUME DE DIEU A TRAVERS LE MONDE Venez decouvrir ce que signifie exactement "precher l'evangile du Royaume." Ce livre va revolutionner votre marche avec le Seigneur et votre point de vue sur le monde.
French Language Version of His Kingdom Come Il est temps pour l'Eglise de devenir ce pour quoi Dieu l'a creee: une armee d'amoureux et de guerriers. D...
More than ever believers are hungry for the reality of knowing the Lord in a tangible way. The enemy hates the fact that God's people are getting serious about their walk with Him. Powerful ministries throughout the world are teaching believers how to experience God more intensely. The enemy blatantly opposes these ministries, but even more dangerous is his determination to infiltrate them by attempting to weave confusion and deception into their message. The challenge we all face is that deceptions are not easily recognized. There are many pure-hearted, ardent seekers of the Lord that would...
More than ever believers are hungry for the reality of knowing the Lord in a tangible way. The enemy hates the fact that God's people are getting seri...
Les ANGES ont commence a faire connaitre leur presence peu apres notre voyage a Pensacola. L'Eglise approche rapidement des dernieres heures precedant le retour du Seigneur. L'Ecriture revele clairement que les puissances du mal seront lachees sur le monde. Ces forces ameneront un degre de peur et de violence tel que l'homme n'en a jamais connu. Comment le Corps de Christ survivra-t-il a un pareil assaut ?... Les Anges Une des caracteristiques qui marquera ces evenements extremes du calendrier divin, sera l'afflux de l'activite angelique, dans nos eglises, comme dans nos vies a chacun. Ils...
Les ANGES ont commence a faire connaitre leur presence peu apres notre voyage a Pensacola. L'Eglise approche rapidement des dernieres heures precedant...
God is pouring out incredible revelations of the spirit realm, including the ongoing manifestation of His angels. In order to deceive, the enemy transforms himself into an angel of light. The believer must be able to distinguish between what is of the Lord and what is of the enemy. For the saints, it is crucial to receive the gift of discerning of spirits and to learn how to exercise and function in this gift. We must learn to discern both the good and the evil that we encounter and how to respond. Discernment is more than spiritual perception, carnal suspicion or mental presumption. It is...
God is pouring out incredible revelations of the spirit realm, including the ongoing manifestation of His angels. In order to deceive, the enemy trans...
Plus que jamais les chretiens ont faim et soif de connaitre le Seigneur de maniere plus tangible. Or, l'ennemi deteste l'idee meme que des croyants puissent prendre au serieux leur marche avec Dieu. Des ministeres puissants enseignent un peu partout a faire des experiences spirituelles plus poussees et ils sont contres de maniere evidente par l'adversaire. Mais, il est une opposition bien plus dangereuse, c'est sa determination a les infiltrer en tentant de semer la confusion et la supercherie dans leurs messages. Ces mystifications ne sont pas faciles a reperer et c'est bien la que reside le...
Plus que jamais les chretiens ont faim et soif de connaitre le Seigneur de maniere plus tangible. Or, l'ennemi deteste l'idee meme que des croyants pu...
The goal of Messengers of His Kingdom is to help in training and developing those desiring a deeper walk with the Lord. The messages in this book are not meant to be exhaustive, but do provide a systematic overview and foundational understanding of what God is revealing to the church in this hour. These message can be used as both a framework for study and an organized way to teach these topics in a church or small group setting.
The goal of Messengers of His Kingdom is to help in training and developing those desiring a deeper walk with the Lord. The messages in this book are ...
The church is rapidly approaching the final hours before the return of the Lord. Scripture clearly reveals that evil forces will be unleashed upon this world. These forces will cause great fear and violence, the like of which man has never encountered. How will the body of Christ survive such an onslaught?... Angels One of the distinguishing characteristics of the culminating events in God's timetable will be the influc of the angelic in our churches and individual lives. They are coming at God's bidding to impart gifts and anointings reserved for these last days. We must expect the enemy to...
The church is rapidly approaching the final hours before the return of the Lord. Scripture clearly reveals that evil forces will be unleashed upon thi...