Der klassiker der Weltliteratur Herausgegeben in VERS Technologie. Die Abkurzung VERS steht fur Visualy Enhanced Reading System. Das designierte Ziel der Entwicklung von VERS ist die Intensivierung des Lesevergnugens aufseiten des Publikums sowie die Steigerung bzw. Erleichterung der Konzentration auf den Text wahrend der Lekture. Das Ergebnis ist ein neues Format fur Literatur, das nachweislich das Leseerlebnis vertieft, die Empfindungen waehrend der Lekture steigert, und den Lesefluss erleichtert. Der Hintergrundmusik eines Filmes entsprechend, beinhalten VERS-Bucher farbige Doppelseiten,...
Der klassiker der Weltliteratur Herausgegeben in VERS Technologie. Die Abkurzung VERS steht fur Visualy Enhanced Reading System. Das designierte Ziel ...
Nikola Tesla was one of the great innovative genuises and forward thinkers of the 19th and 20th centuries. He contributed significantly to the development of the alternating current electric supply system and invented (among many other things) the tesla coil, an electrical transformer that is still widely used. His work fell into obscurity until fairly recently when the surge of interest in projects, such as electric cars (and some other more bizarre theories and fads) brought his ideas back to the forefront of technology and popular culture. The Tesla Motor Company takes its name from the...
Nikola Tesla was one of the great innovative genuises and forward thinkers of the 19th and 20th centuries. He contributed significantly to the develop...
It is the dream of many to give up the daily slog and branch out on their own. Unfortunately too often that is exactly all it is - a dream without any real foundation or substance. If you are seriously thinking about starting your own business you need to give deep consideration to a lot of factors before taking the plunge. A very high percentage of start-ups fail - often in a very short space of time. And the reasons for failure are numerous and wide-ranging. If you don't give sufficient thought and planning to your new venture it is very likely that you will be among them. It is always...
It is the dream of many to give up the daily slog and branch out on their own. Unfortunately too often that is exactly all it is - a dream without any...
The Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare as it has come to be known, has split American society, politics and media like no other subject in living memory. It is not just the concept itself as there is a pretty general recognition that healthcare needed reforming in the US. It is more the nature and implications of the system that seem to have stirred up a veritable hornets nest of protest - even outrage. Some will see in the extreme reaction of the Republican party, especially the more right-wing elements, an idealogical stance that has more to do with a hatred of big government, state spending...
The Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare as it has come to be known, has split American society, politics and media like no other subject in living memor...
As many as 2% of children could potentially fall into the category of' gifted' so quite a few families can find themselves in the situation of having such a child to rear. This can raise a number of questions and issues to deal with - andthey are not always positive. Everyone likes to think their children are specially talented, above average intelligence, gifted in some respect. Often they might be right - but are they wishing something on themselves and the child that it is better not to have? The history of child prodigies is mainly a story of difficulties, pressures, unfulfilled potential...
As many as 2% of children could potentially fall into the category of' gifted' so quite a few families can find themselves in the situation of having ...
Estimates suggest there are around 1.5m Americans who have turned to homeschooling for their children (and this is probably a significant underestimate). Whether this is due to a perceived failing in the state education system, religious or political convictions or the need to accommodate some special need of the student or family, it is an issue that causes controversy and, undoubtedly raises very serious questions about the state of future generations of American citizens. Advocates of the system claim it improves the education of the child, shapes it more to their needs and aptitudes and...
Estimates suggest there are around 1.5m Americans who have turned to homeschooling for their children (and this is probably a significant underestimat...
Dieting became something of an obsession in the latter part of the 20th century especially among younger, Western females. The influence of the media and the prevalence of Hollywood type images of young slim women prompted many to try to emulate them and savvy entrepreneurs were quick to pick up on the commercial potential of this. Soon all sorts of diets were flooding the market - and the trend continues to this day. This book looks at a range of these diets - some old some new; all claiming to lose you weight and make you look terrific. Many of them won't live up to their claims but we...
Dieting became something of an obsession in the latter part of the 20th century especially among younger, Western females. The influence of the media ...
The Tesla Motor Company takes its name from the scientist and inventor and the AC motor that it uses in its vehicles is a direct descendant of Tesla's 1882 design, showing how far reaching and ahead of its time his thinking really was. Nikola Tesla was one of the great innovative geniuses and forward thinkers of the 19th and 20th centuries. He contributed significantly to the development of the alternating current electric supply system and invented (among many other things) the tesla coil, an electrical transformer that is still widely used. His work fell into obscurity until fairly recently...
The Tesla Motor Company takes its name from the scientist and inventor and the AC motor that it uses in its vehicles is a direct descendant of Tesla's...
Search engine optimization (SEO) and Search engine marketing (SEM) are two vital components for internet commercial success. How you site ranks with Google primarily, but with other search engines as well, will determine how many visitors your site gets and, ultimately, how much business you generate. This compilation looks at SEO from all angles introducing beginners to the basics of the concept and the simple things you can do to make sure your site is optimized and then going on to specific areas such as keywords, links, paid search and content management providing practical, relevant and...
Search engine optimization (SEO) and Search engine marketing (SEM) are two vital components for internet commercial success. How you site ranks with G...