The aim of this book is twofold: to provide an introduction for newcomers to state of the art computer simulation techniques in space plasma physics and an overview of current developments. Computer simulation has reached a stage where it can be a highly useful tool for guiding theory and for making predictions of space plasma phenomena, ranging from microscopic to global scales. The various articles are arranged, as much as possible, according to the - derlying simulation technique, starting with the technique that makes the least number of assumptions: a fully kinetic approach which solves...
The aim of this book is twofold: to provide an introduction for newcomers to state of the art computer simulation techniques in space plasma physics a...
In May 1998 a hundred renowned scientists from 20 different countries met at the Max-Planck-Institut fur Aeronomie to communicate their latest results and ideas in astrophysical and space plasma, as a follow-up to previous similar meetings which were held in Varenna, Abastumai, Potsdam, Toki and Guaruja. The main papers emerging from this meeting are collected in this volume. They deal with fundamental plasma phenomena, particle and radiation processes in astrophysics and space physics as the origin of magnetic activity, the basic mechanisms of particle acceleration and plasma heating...
In May 1998 a hundred renowned scientists from 20 different countries met at the Max-Planck-Institut fur Aeronomie to communicate their latest results...
Jorg Buchner analysiert die aktuelle Entwicklung der in Deutschland angebotenen Bedingungswerke in der privaten Berufsunfahigkeitsversicherung, welche seit der Deregulierung des Versicherungsmarktes im Jahr 1994 einem stetigen Wandel unterworfen ist. Auch wenn der Bedingungswettbewerb zwischen den Unternehmen letztlich fur mehr Transparenz und Verbraucherfreundlichkeit gesorgt hat, ist eine Vielzahl von rechtlichen Problemen offen geblieben. Der Autor will durch seine Analyse funf Jahre nach der VVG-Reform 2008 herausfinden, welchen Einfluss das neue Versicherungsvertragsgesetz tatsachlich...
Jorg Buchner analysiert die aktuelle Entwicklung der in Deutschland angebotenen Bedingungswerke in der privaten Berufsunfahigkeitsversicherung, welche...