The approach of Material Design opens the way to an innovative use of materials in the design professions. Taking material qualities and properties such as texture, elasticity and transparency as a point of departure, the book describes a multitude of material operations, like folding and bending, carving and cutting, weaving and knitting, mirroring and screening.
The approach of Material Design opens the way to an innovative use of materials in the design professions. Taking material qualities and properties...
Schröpfer, Thomas Carpenter, James Kennedy, Sheila
Wenn das professionelle Interesse an neuen Materialien uber eine intuitive Faszination hinausgeht, stellt sich die Frage, wie Innovationen aus der Materialerforschung in die Architekturanwendung importiert werden konnen. Hier setzt dieses grundlegende Buch an. Ausgehend von Materialeigenschaften wie Textur, Elastizitat oder Transparenz uberwindet es die traditionellen Einteilungen von Werkstoffen zugunsten der Darstellung ubergreifender Verarbeitungs- und Verwendungsarten wie Falten und Biegen, Schneiden und Weben, Spiegeln und Projizieren.
Die entwurfsorientierten...
Wenn das professionelle Interesse an neuen Materialien uber eine intuitive Faszination hinausgeht, stellt sich die Frage, wie Innovationen aus der ...
The integration of nature in architecture is a key concern of sustainability. However, all too often sustainable design is reduced to improving the energetic performance of buildings and the ornamental application of natural green. Dense + Green explores new architectural typologies that emerge from the integration of green components such as sky terraces, vertical parks and green facades, in high-density buildings. The book describes green strategies in a comparison across different design tasks and climate conditions. In-depth case studies on the most relevant building...
The integration of nature in architecture is a key concern of sustainability. However, all too often sustainable design is reduced to improving the...