The Unplayer, Playa is an intriguing original, urban-based fiction which focuses on the extraordinary loves and exploits of the main characters. A Commitment-shy business law attorney and partner in his highly successful law firm, Marcus indulges in all of the pleasures those in his position can offer. Daily adorned in custom-tailored suits perfectly fitting his well-sculpted body, he exudes the epitome of confidence. While flourishing professionally, twin brother Miles chooses the life of a family man as he and his wife raise their twin daughters. Younger sister Marlaine works for Marcus as...
The Unplayer, Playa is an intriguing original, urban-based fiction which focuses on the extraordinary loves and exploits of the main characters. A Com...
If you love stimulating and thought provoking writing, this book is directed toward you. Eclectic Thoughts in Motion is a compilation of many of Mr. Fisher's poetic writings expressing some of his views, ideas and opinion, gained through experience or study. He hopes that through his written words all who read his work can attain and gain some light into the Realm of his Mind. A world of free writing and writing freely. Peace and love to all.
If you love stimulating and thought provoking writing, this book is directed toward you. Eclectic Thoughts in Motion is a compilation of many of Mr. F...
A story about kids coming together to share a common interest that everyone loves. Taban and his younger sister Melanie have always wanted to share Halloween with other kids. They now take center stage as family and new found friends come together in sharing the magic of Halloween by making and bringing their dream to life.
A story about kids coming together to share a common interest that everyone loves. Taban and his younger sister Melanie have always wanted to share Ha...
As a follow up story to the book, "The Unplayer, Playa ," Transcending Expectations is an urban based fiction that features an eccentric group of characters and a propulsive story that focuses around Essence, her mother Cheryl, best friend Maija and love interest Tedros. At the heart of this story is a daughter's love for her mother and a mother who struggles to find herself. Rarely is one woman's struggle for inner peace so poignantly displayed as in this affectionate and unflinchingly family love with the one bond that can never be broken, unconditional love. Essence is a young lady whose...
As a follow up story to the book, "The Unplayer, Playa ," Transcending Expectations is an urban based fiction that features an eccentric group of char...
If The Booty Looks Good, Hit Delete is an urban based fiction that displays the humorous issues of dating, relationships and the ongoing battle for monogamy between the sexes. Follow best friends, Delete McAllister, Damon "Shift" Styles and Exclamation Carter on their complex personal journey for defining love. These three are the best of friends, smart, successful, attractive and have entirely different views when it comes to relationships. Delete is a successful entrepreneur who is unsuccessful in his quest to finding love. His Kryptonite is a Booty that looks good. Damon is an airline...
If The Booty Looks Good, Hit Delete is an urban based fiction that displays the humorous issues of dating, relationships and the ongoing battle for m...
Love can make things right, but it can also turn all that is right, upside wrong. Everyone that knows Brenda is on the outside looking in; and from the exterior, all seems right, but unless one is behind those closed doors, don't believe all that's hyped. Relationship and its dynamics can be a roller coaster of emotions. Sooner or later, relationships run into a few bumps on the road, and Brenda's relationship is no exception. Her fear of the unknown has her paralyzed at the thought of living a single life. Though social, she has not always taken heed to some of the advices she has dished out...
Love can make things right, but it can also turn all that is right, upside wrong. Everyone that knows Brenda is on the outside looking in; and from th...