Born in a Manger This is a story about a man named Joseph, and a woman named Mary that live in Bethlehem, Georgia. It is Christmas in Bethlehem, a wonderful time in this small city in Georgia. Joseph is working on his poetry for next year for his MFA program that has a stipend that is his livelihood. Mary just wants to be a mother. A horrible incident occurs that takes the desire away from Mary to be a mother. A miracle baby changes that and the baby comes at the most opportune time and actually causes people to believe in Jesus on Christmas Day in this wonderful love story.
Born in a Manger This is a story about a man named Joseph, and a woman named Mary that live in Bethlehem, Georgia. It is Christmas in Bethlehem, a won...
US President Barack Obama has called economic inequality the "defining issue of our time." It has inspired the "Occupy" movements, made a French economist into a global celebrity, and given us a new expression - the "one percent." But is our preoccupation with inequality really justified? Or wise?
In his new book, William Watson argues that focusing on inequality is both an error and a trap. It is an error because much inequality is "good," the reward for thrift, industry, and invention. It is a trap because it leads us to fixate on the top end of the income distribution, rather than...
US President Barack Obama has called economic inequality the "defining issue of our time." It has inspired the "Occupy" movements, made a French ec...