Quieres perder grasa, verte mas joven y sentirte estupendo, ademas de evitar el cancer, la diabetes, las enfermedades cardiacas, el Parkinson y el Alzheimer? La Solucion Paleolitica revela la historia de la dieta humana originaria, uniendo el conocimiento antropologico acerca de nuestro pasado como cazadores-recolectores con los ultimos y mas modernos descubrimientos de la genetica, la bioquimica, la inmunologia y la investigacion sobre la longevidad. Robb Wolf, un investigador bioquimico que cambio la bata de laboratorio y el protector de bolsillo por un silbato y un cronometro, para...
Quieres perder grasa, verte mas joven y sentirte estupendo, ademas de evitar el cancer, la diabetes, las enfermedades cardiacas, el Parkinson y el Alz...
A complete, concise guide to living off the land in central Texas utilizing every modern and legal technique. Although there are many "survival" books in print, most focus on hypothetical situations and the use of primitive techniques that take years to master and are often illegal. This book is unique in that it provides all of the information that one needs to begin supplementing diet and income. This book focuses on a very specific region-Central Texas. Although nomadic, foragers are strongly tied to their respective bioregions and focus exclusively on them. While other books may list...
A complete, concise guide to living off the land in central Texas utilizing every modern and legal technique. Although there are many "survival" books...