One Day in Paris is the story of one year in the life of Dan Blake after his career in the British Army comes to an abrupt end when he fails a psychiatric evaluation. Finding himself unexpectedly divorced and unemployed the chance meeting in Moscow with oil billionaire Sheikh Mohammad al Hussein leads to a job offer for Blake's unique talents and the opportunity to test his skills against the world's leading security agencies in a battlefield where failure means certain death and success, glorious redemption. Blake's experience post Paris gives him an insight into the 1% who control the 1%...
One Day in Paris is the story of one year in the life of Dan Blake after his career in the British Army comes to an abrupt end when he fails a psychia...
The Emergency Bouzouki Player is the true story of a teenager railroaded into the South African army for two years of national service at the height of the Border War. My story begins in the small Cretan village of Sfakia, continues through Johannesburg where I was born in 1960, through growing up in seventies Apartheid society, before one dark and dusty year in Kimberley and another in Pretoria where it all ends with a new beginning on a rainy morning at Heathrow. -The cruelty, the absurdity and the mindlessness of life in the South African army are candidly described in this first-hand...
The Emergency Bouzouki Player is the true story of a teenager railroaded into the South African army for two years of national service at the height o...