This original compilation of slave narratives contains three complete narrative written by William Wells Brown, John Thompson, and Henry Watson. All three of the aforementioned authors were fugitive slaves. 1.) Three Fugitive Slaves. Narrative of William W. Brown, a Fugitive Slave. Written by Himself. By William Wells Brown. (c)1847. 2.) The Life of John Thompson, a Fugitive Slave; Containing His History of 25 Years in Bondage, and His Providential Escape. Written by Himself By John Thompson. (c)1856 3.) Narrative of Henry Watson, A Fugitive Slave: Written By Himself By Henry Watson.(c)184
This original compilation of slave narratives contains three complete narrative written by William Wells Brown, John Thompson, and Henry Watson. All t...
Narrative of Henry Watson, A Fugitive Slave 1848]. According to his narrative, Henry Watson was born into slavery near Fredericksburg, Virginia, in 1813. Watson's master, whom he remembers only as "Bibb," worked primarily at raising slaves for sale. Watson's mother, the cook in the great house, was sold when Watson was eight. Shortly thereafter, Watson himself was sold to Parson Janer, with whom he remained only a brief time before being sent to auction in Richmond, Virginia. Watson was purchased by a slave trader named Denton, who forced him to walk, along with many other slaves, to...
Narrative of Henry Watson, A Fugitive Slave 1848]. According to his narrative, Henry Watson was born into slavery near Fredericksburg, Virginia, in 1...