Life on this planet is based on the continuous cycle of elements. The massive mobilization of natural resources and the industrial synthesis of chemicals have generated number of problems as a consequence of limited incorporation of natural and synthesized molecules into ongoing biological cycle. Number of aromatic compounds has wide range of applications. Among these nitro aromatic compounds like 2,4,6-tri-nitrotoluene (TNT) is more recalcitrant (Nunez et al.,1998). TNT was first made in 1863 ...
Life on this planet is based on the continuous cycle of elements. The massive mobilization of natural resources and th...
Earth the planet we inhabit, is a single, living pulsating entity and the human race an interlocking extended family. The land water and the atmosphere which constitute it environment, support .37 million species of plants and 1.2 million species of animals. Human interference into the environment has upset the ecological balance of our planet. Exploitation of non renewable resources has created havoc and if allowed to continue can disrupt life on this planet. Some of the most dramatic cases with environment are man mad fires slashes burn agriculture, mineral mining, dumping of sewage and...
Earth the planet we inhabit, is a single, living pulsating entity and the human race an interlocking extended family. The land water and the atmospher...
This study was conducted to investigate the drinking water quality of Bannu District. Water samples were collected from tube well and bore well, from the whole District. The samples were analyzed for physiochemical water quality parameters such as color, taste, odor, temperature, turbidity, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen (DO), salinity, alkalinity, hardness, calcium and magnesium hardness, chloride, phosphate, sulphate, sulphide, nitrate, sodium and potassium. The results of analysis are given in the tables. All the samples were colorless, odorless and tasteless, temperature is ranged...
This study was conducted to investigate the drinking water quality of Bannu District. Water samples were collected from tube well and bore well, from ...