Three people share the spotlight in THE BOYS FROM BOULDER: Randall Simon, Roman Lundt, and Emma Taylor. Randall and Roman preside over a hugely popular website, Into kinky, perverse, and illegal pornography? A group of fellow offenders is just waiting to meet you online. Randall and Roman blackmail only those clients with the deepest pockets and the most to lose. Experts in electrical and computer engineering, there isn't a computer system they can't breach. Emma Taylor is an unlikely heroine, a high school English teacher. She arrives home to find that her husband, a...
Three people share the spotlight in THE BOYS FROM BOULDER: Randall Simon, Roman Lundt, and Emma Taylor. Randall and Roman preside over a hugely popula...
The script was written ages ago, the final pages are turning now. Yet very few realize they are live players in a drama, the end of which is unalterably determined. Its Ancient Author, the Master of His creation, forever commands Sovereignty over HIS Story... Adam and Eve, Noah and the ark, Moses and the Ten Commandments, Jonah and the fish, John the baptist, Jesus feeding the 5,000, and Paul's missionary journeys are all familiar Biblical events we call stories. However, most people do not know that all of these Bible stories are an unbroken whole-that every book in the Bible bleeds into the...
The script was written ages ago, the final pages are turning now. Yet very few realize they are live players in a drama, the end of which is unalterab...