Papers from the session (Vol. 40, Session C28) Symbolic Spaces in Prehistoric Art, presented at the XV UISPP World Congress (Lisbon, 4-9 September 2006). Contents: Introduction (Francois Djindjian, Luiz Oosterbeek); 1) Lart parietal et lart mobilier pour lidentification des territoires de peuplement dans le Paleolithique superieur europeen: lapproche par les bestiaires (Francois Djindjian); 2) De lart mobilier au systeme socio-symbolique dans le Paleolithique superieur ancien et moyen dEurope Orientale (Lioudmila Iakovleva); 3) Les grottes a mammouths et tectiformes de la vallee de la Vezere:...
Papers from the session (Vol. 40, Session C28) Symbolic Spaces in Prehistoric Art, presented at the XV UISPP World Congress (Lisbon, 4-9 September 200...
Papers from Session C26, 'Prehistoric Art: Signs, Symbols, Myth, Ideology', from the XV UISPP World Congress (Lisbon, 4-9 September 2006). Contents: 1) Un nuevo conjunto de arte rupestre esquematico en el tramo final del rio Ibor (Caceres, Espana) (Ma A. Aldecoa Quintana, A. Dominguez Garcia); 2) Towards a Pastoral Neolithic Society: Khanguet- El-Hadjar, Constantinois, Algeria (Idir Amara, Colette Roubet); 3) Les figures humaines sexuees segmentees et isolees: perennite et ruptures (Raphaelle Bourrillon); 3) Les Manifestations Esthetiques du Mesolithique (Florence Bouvry); 4) Death and...
Papers from Session C26, 'Prehistoric Art: Signs, Symbols, Myth, Ideology', from the XV UISPP World Congress (Lisbon, 4-9 September 2006). Contents: 1...
This book contributes to the current discussion on geoethics and global ethics within the geoscience and humanities communities. It provides new content and insights into developing convergent human actions in response to global anthropogenic changes, based on perspectives that make it possible to combine geoscience knowledge with humanities and social sciences approaches. Selected authors present their reflections, findings and insights regarding the vision of geoethics (ethics of responsibility towards the Earth) as global ethics from philosophical, humanities and social sciences...
This book contributes to the current discussion on geoethics and global ethics within the geoscience and humanities communities. It provides new conte...