Papers from the session Le concept de territoires dans le Paleolithique superieur europeen (Vol. 3, Session C16) presented at the XV UISPP World Congress (Lisbon, 4-9 September 2006). Contents: 1) Le concept de territoires pour les chasseurs cueilleurs du Paleolithique superieur europeen (Francois Djindjian); 2) Le concept de territoire au Paleolithique superieur: la Pologne en peripherie septentrionale de loecumene (Janusz K. Kozlowski); 3) Le concept de territoire a partir des donnees des sites des regions du Dniepr au Paleolithique superieur recent en Europe orientale (Lioudmila Iakovleva...
Papers from the session Le concept de territoires dans le Paleolithique superieur europeen (Vol. 3, Session C16) presented at the XV UISPP World Congr...
Papers from the session (Vol. 40, Session C28) Symbolic Spaces in Prehistoric Art, presented at the XV UISPP World Congress (Lisbon, 4-9 September 2006). Contents: Introduction (Francois Djindjian, Luiz Oosterbeek); 1) Lart parietal et lart mobilier pour lidentification des territoires de peuplement dans le Paleolithique superieur europeen: lapproche par les bestiaires (Francois Djindjian); 2) De lart mobilier au systeme socio-symbolique dans le Paleolithique superieur ancien et moyen dEurope Orientale (Lioudmila Iakovleva); 3) Les grottes a mammouths et tectiformes de la vallee de la Vezere:...
Papers from the session (Vol. 40, Session C28) Symbolic Spaces in Prehistoric Art, presented at the XV UISPP World Congress (Lisbon, 4-9 September 200...
This book includes papers from the session 'Understanding Landscapes, from Land Discovery to their Spatial Organization' from the IUPPS 16th World Congress in Florianopolis, Brazil, 4th-10th September 2011.
This book includes papers from the session 'Understanding Landscapes, from Land Discovery to their Spatial Organization' from the IUPPS 16th World ...
The Cote d'Or in Upper Burgundy is a zone of passage between basins more than an area of permanent settlement, except in the most temperate periods of early prehistory. The Boccard cave, which has the most complete stratigraphic sequence in the region, is here the subject of a previously unpublished detailed monograph.
The Cote d'Or in Upper Burgundy is a zone of passage between basins more than an area of permanent settlement, except in the most temperate periods of...