Proceedings of the first Oxford-Athens graduate student workshop organized by the Greek Society and the University of Oxford Taylor Institution, April 2005. Contents: 1) Framing the Aegean (Georgios Deligiannakis); 2) Whats in a Word? The Manifold Character of the Term Koine and its Uses in Aegean Prehistory (Yannis Galanakis); 3) An aspect of the Mycenaean koine? The Uniformity of the Peloponnesian Late Helladic III Palatial Megara in its Heterogeneous Context (Vassilis Petrakis); 4) The Dissemination of Attic Pottery During the Protogeometric and Geometric Periods (Fani K. Seroglou); 5)...
Proceedings of the first Oxford-Athens graduate student workshop organized by the Greek Society and the University of Oxford Taylor Institution, April...
The Dodecanese and the Eastern Aegean Islands in Late Antiquity, AD 300-700 is a regional study of the history, archaeology, and religious profile of the Late Antique Dodecanese (the islands of the south-eastern Aegean, centered on Rhodes), exploring how the spread of Christianity altered these communities and how the prosperity of the eastern Roman Empire, and the new capital in Constantinople, affected their life. Incorporating comparative evidence from the rest of the Aegean islands and both the Greek and Turkish mainlands, the volume analyzes material from the whole area as part of a...
The Dodecanese and the Eastern Aegean Islands in Late Antiquity, AD 300-700 is a regional study of the history, archaeology, and religious profile of ...