In this sequel to The Gingerbread Pirate, Paulie and the Captain receive news that their former shipmate, John, has at last finished constructing the ship of his dreams. Too excited to let John embark upon the maiden voyage of his Misty Belle alone, Paulie and the Captain set off to accompany him. Once they arrive on deck, however, they discover that circumstances are painfully contrary to what they had imagined. Just when Paulie begins acclimating herself to the peculiarities of John's passengers, their peaceful pleasure cruise turns deadly. Under the cover of darkness, a foreign ship full...
In this sequel to The Gingerbread Pirate, Paulie and the Captain receive news that their former shipmate, John, has at last finished constructing the ...
Paulie the parrot, first mate aboard the ship of The Gingerbread Pirate, lights upon a journal promising her exactly what she's been looking for. Recounting the cataclysmic destruction of an entire civilization, the journal leads Paulie, the Captain and their crew through violently troubled waters, on to a cove where uncovering the clues leading to the immense treasure left behind in the lost civilization's extinction they must fight for their lives against a terrifying blood-thirsty beast. Past seagulls intent on devouring the Captain, a spirit-guided sea creature seeking its own...
Paulie the parrot, first mate aboard the ship of The Gingerbread Pirate, lights upon a journal promising her exactly what she's been looking for. Reco...