Sinee the introduetion of Gallopamil in 1983 this drug has been applied in similar indications as Verapamil. Predominantly pat ients with stable or unstable angina peetoris, with hypertension, and hypertrophie eardiomyopathy have been treated. As far as ean be judged from preliminary clinieal experienee Gallopamil aehieves similar results as Verapamil with mueh lower doses. Instead of 3 times 160 mg Verapamil 2 to 3 times 50 mg Gallopamil ean be applied. Although the speetrum of side effects ofboth drugs is similar it is evident that oeeasionally patients ean tolerate one better than the...
Sinee the introduetion of Gallopamil in 1983 this drug has been applied in similar indications as Verapamil. Predominantly pat ients with stable or un...