This ESPRIT research report describes work on an Open System Architecture for Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIMOSA) that provides a new approach for enterprise modelling. In the second edition, the book significantly extends the specification of CIMOSA in several ways.
This ESPRIT research report describes work on an Open System Architecture for Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIMOSA) that provides a new approach ...
On Integration computer applications have by now entered almost all enterprises, but mostly in an uncoordinated way without long term integration plans or automation strategies. Departments introduced computing equipment and purchased or developed programs to support their department operations. This approach divided an enterprise into small and almost autonomous enterprises, each with the goal to deploy the computer to make their department and its associated activities work more efficiently. Thus many departments acquired computers, developed and installed automation systems and PCs and...
On Integration computer applications have by now entered almost all enterprises, but mostly in an uncoordinated way without long term integration plan...