Nohem Molano Lewis Prof Cynthia Melndrez Erik Molano
COLOMBINA es la vida de una joven luchando en su pais en epocas dolorosas. Esta novela, esta llena de imagenes, olores, colores y sabores. COLOMBINA relata su historia en lenguaje simple y sabio, narrando las bellezas de su region. COLOMBINA nos resucita al pasado de Colombia, guiandonos por un mundo de supervivencia, describiendolo con dolor y encanto. Nos recuerda infamias como la expropiacion de propiedades a inocentes y masacres en guerras turbias. El cultivo y trafico ilicito de drogas, maniobras electorales, raptos a gente digna de vivir en paz. Ademas, Nohemi, nos deja saborear en cada...
COLOMBINA es la vida de una joven luchando en su pais en epocas dolorosas. Esta novela, esta llena de imagenes, olores, colores y sabores. COLOMBINA r...
Nohem Molano Lewis Vicki Andresen Sedillo Erik Molano
"A JOURNEY THROUGH LIFE with Wisdom to Share" is a special collection of powerful poems and prose about, Wisdom, Human Rights, Freedom, Peace, Friendship, Civil Rights, Love, Romance, War and Human Conditions, created from deep within the mind and soul of NOHEMI MOLANO LEWIS. Nohemi Molano Lewis writes Prose, Free Verse, Narratives and Sonnets. Her powerful poetry reflects wishes for freedom among countries, nations and people. Also she describes and analyzes the many roles a woman plays in her life as Daughter, Sister, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Great-grandmother and Friend. In addition...
"A JOURNEY THROUGH LIFE with Wisdom to Share" is a special collection of powerful poems and prose about, Wisdom, Human Rights, Freedom, Peace, Friends...
HAPPINESS DOES NOT HAVE TO BE A PROJECT, IT IS A JOURNEY... ...Past Superficiality to a Balanced State of Mind... ...Discover here how you can find Happiness and keep it. Life is not a simple trip, like going to the river to swim, or traveling to Hawaii to surf, or flying to the Alps to ski, just to have fun. Life is a Journey to the unknown Some have everything, money, fame, friends, lovable parents; others have to learn to overcome dark issues to get happiness. The purpose of this book of happiness is to give my readers the opportunity to discover and keep the great wisdom, the great gift...
HAPPINESS DOES NOT HAVE TO BE A PROJECT, IT IS A JOURNEY... ...Past Superficiality to a Balanced State of Mind... ...Discover here how you can find Ha...