A young couple struggles to survive in an evil land ravaged by the Holocaust in "Love and Death in Paris," the debut novel by journalist and author Charles Loebbaka. Jack Lamont and Katrine Bouchet meet briefly in a Paris museum in 1939 on the eve of World War II, the year before German troops occupy Paris and the north of France. The Chicago Tribune journalist and the French art history student fall in love amid the horrors of war and the Holocaust as Nazis and French police arrest Jews and others and deport them to death camps in Poland. Both narrowly escape death before they are reunited,...
A young couple struggles to survive in an evil land ravaged by the Holocaust in "Love and Death in Paris," the debut novel by journalist and author Ch...
A young Jewish orphan is sheltered at a Catholic boarding school in 1942 after Paris police imprison her parents and thousands of Jews in detention centers. When her orphan friend is arrested, she fears the gendarmes will come after her, too. An American newspaperman sought by Nazis and French police hides as the gardener at the school after French police find him with his lover, a university student fighting the Nazi occupation of France. Her colleagues devise a daring plan for him to flee the country. Hannah Abramov, a 12-year-old from The Marais, and Jack Lamont, a former war...
A young Jewish orphan is sheltered at a Catholic boarding school in 1942 after Paris police imprison her parents and thousands of Jews in detention ce...
It's August 1962. Marilyn Monroe is dead from an apparent overdose. The Kennedy Administration accuses Russia of installing missiles in Cuba. In a suburb south of Chicago, a ghost-like female figure is chased by a car on a hot, rain-soaked night. Private detective Jack Lamont sees the intended victim narrowly escape death while he is driving back to Guido's Bar & Grill. He rescues the woman and takes her to his room above Guido's joint. The woman doesn't know her name, where she lives, or what happened to her. She has no money except for a stash of wet, bloodstained bills hidden in her dress....
It's August 1962. Marilyn Monroe is dead from an apparent overdose. The Kennedy Administration accuses Russia of installing missiles in Cuba. In a sub...