"Here is an essential handbook on how to safely and more easily wean yourself (under medical supervision) off the heavily over-prescribed psychotropic medications. I have used the program with my patients and it works Hyla Cass M.D. Author of Supplement Your Prescription" "Psychiatric drugs play a major role in mental health, the problem is too may people do not need these medications. How to Get Off Psychiatric Drugs Safely shows you how to safely get off the drugs safely. I highly recommend James Harper's work. It could save your life." Dr. Tony O'Donnell ND, PsyD. "Taking care of the body...
"Here is an essential handbook on how to safely and more easily wean yourself (under medical supervision) off the heavily over-prescribed psychotropic...
"Here is an essential handbook on how to safely and more easily wean yourself (under medical supervision) off heavily over-prescribed psychotropic medications. I have used the program with my patients and it works " Dr. Hyla Cass M.D. Author of Supplement Your Prescription
"Here is an essential handbook on how to safely and more easily wean yourself (under medical supervision) off heavily over-prescribed psychotropic med...