In the tradition of Ed McBain, a gritty police procedural adapted to a Harvey Chalmers type hometown America. When a strange and troubled young woman stumbles bloodily to her death in a small Upstate New York village full of the usual suspects, Assistant District Attorney Jack Hughes, ordinarily assigned to prosecute routine traffic tickets, finds himself enmeshed in a murder investigation, exposing him to a colorful cast of characters on both sides of the law and a remarkable defense lawyer whose beauty is only exceeded by her ambition, and who is at once much more and much less than she...
In the tradition of Ed McBain, a gritty police procedural adapted to a Harvey Chalmers type hometown America. When a strange and troubled young woman ...
An eclectic mixture of essays on politics, religion, sports, the judiciary and just about any topic capable of inciting an argument, drawn from the pages of the author's popular blog, The Judge Report. Laced with humor, wit, satire both biting and gentle, the occasional song parody and a good dose of old-fashioned sentimentality, The Judge Report seeks to show the world through the eyes of a lawyer and former judge in small town upstate New York, with all the foibles and fantasies that entails. Along the way you'll meet some interesting local characters and learn about the lives of some...
An eclectic mixture of essays on politics, religion, sports, the judiciary and just about any topic capable of inciting an argument, drawn from the pa...