When a fragile peace breaks down between Pakistan and India, the United States is forced to intervene. When a rapidly escalating war threatens to engulf the entire region, the president must find a way to shut it down immediately--or else face total destruction for the world at large.
With the clock ticking and Pakistan in the hands of a religious radical willing to do anything and risk everything to achieve his deadly plan, there is only one man with the skills and experience to infiltrate the live war theater and successfully...
Coup d'Etat
Ben Coes
When a fragile peace breaks down between Pakistan and India, the United States is forced to interve...
Israeli Special Forces commander Kohl Meir has proof that Iran has finally succeeded in building its first nuclear weapon and plans on using it to attack Israel. But before Meir can recruit Dewey Andreas and execute his secret operation, he's abducted in New York and smuggled into Iran, where he's imprisoned and tortured.
Dewey owes his life to Meir and his team of Israeli commandos. Now he must do whatever it takes to free Meir from one of the world's most secure prisons while Iran's nuclear clock ticks away. It's...
Ben Coes
Israeli Special Forces commander Kohl Meir has proof that Iran has finally succ...