Adaptation, Resistance, and Access to Instructional Technologies: Assessing Future Trends in Education captures the current trends in technology integration from PreK-12 to higher education. This relevant research publication focuses on the various constituent groups, namely students, teachers, and communities, in education and the effects of educational technology on learning and empowerment. It is a must-read book for all K-12 school district administrators, principals, technology coordinators, and K-12 teachers, as well as undergraduate and graduate school of education, teacher preparation...
Adaptation, Resistance, and Access to Instructional Technologies: Assessing Future Trends in Education captures the current trends in technology integ...
Technology has had direct impact on education in increasing the way that society continues to learn. Applications of immersive environments, virtual worlds, and augmented reality have significant implications for how teaching and learning are achieved in contemporary education. Immersive Environments, Augmented Realities and Virtual Worlds: Assessing Future Trends in Education brings together current research and performance in trends in education. While examining cyber behavior and the use of virtual worlds, immersive technologies and augmented realities aim to improve teaching and enhancing...
Technology has had direct impact on education in increasing the way that society continues to learn. Applications of immersive environments, virtual w...
Addresses the most effective models and strategies for nurturing teacher immediacy in web-based and virtual learning environments. A number of innovative methods for building an authentic, personalized online learning experience are outlined and discussed at length, providing solutions for pre-service as well as in-service educators.
Addresses the most effective models and strategies for nurturing teacher immediacy in web-based and virtual learning environments. A number of innovat...