Wer bei Pilzen nur an leckere Champignons oder giftige Fliegenpilze denkt, wird von diesem Buch uberrascht sein. Die beiden Pilzforscher Hans und Erika Kothe laden Sie zu einer informativen und unterhaltsamen Rundreise durch die vielgestaltige Welt der Pilze ein. Historische Anekdoten und aktuelle Beispiele veranschaulichen die biologische, medizinische und okologische Bedeutung der Pilze. "
Wer bei Pilzen nur an leckere Champignons oder giftige Fliegenpilze denkt, wird von diesem Buch uberrascht sein. Die beiden Pilzforscher Hans und Erik...
Metal contamination is an increasing ecological and eco-toxicological risk. Understanding the processes involved in metal mobilization, sorption and mineralization in soils are key features for soil bioremediation.
Following an introduction to the physical, chemical and biological components of contaminated soils, various chapters address the interactions of soil, microorganisms, plants and the water phase necessary to transfer metals into biological systems. These include topics such as potential hazards at mining sites; rare earth elements in biotic and abiotic acidic systems;...
Metal contamination is an increasing ecological and eco-toxicological risk. Understanding the processes involved in metal mobilization, sorption an...
Metal contamination is an increasing ecological and eco-toxicological risk. Understanding the processes involved in metal mobilization, sorption and mineralization in soils are key features for soil bioremediation.
Following an introduction to the physical, chemical and biological components of contaminated soils, various chapters address the interactions of soil, microorganisms, plants and the water phase necessary to transfer metals into biological systems. These include topics such as potential hazards at mining sites; rare earth elements in biotic and abiotic acidic systems;...
Metal contamination is an increasing ecological and eco-toxicological risk. Understanding the processes involved in metal mobilization, sorption an...