The new series, Advances in Bioclimatology provides authorative reviews on the latest developments in all research areas concerned with the effects of climatic factors on living organisms - be they plants, animals or humans. The emphasis is clearly laid on the mechanisms - rather than on the statistical relationships - linking biological processes with their physical environments. The following topics are covered in the first volume: - Deforestation, revegetation, water balance and climate; - Interaction of CO2 with growth limiting environmental factors in vegetation productivity; - Radiative...
The new series, Advances in Bioclimatology provides authorative reviews on the latest developments in all research areas concerned with the effects of...
Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration has increased globally from about 280 ppm before the Industrial Revolution (Pearman 1988) to about 353 ppm in 1990. That increase, and the continuing increase at a rate of about 1.5 ppm per annum, owing mainly to fossil fuel burning, is likely to cause change in climate, in primary productivity of terrestrial vegetation (managed and unmanaged), and in the degree of net sequestration of atmospheric CO into organic form. The quantitative role 2 of the latter in attenuating the increase in atmospheric CO concentration itself is 2 an important but...
Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration has increased globally from about 280 ppm before the Industrial Revolution (Pearman 1988) to about 353 ppm in...