Ein Bildband mit der Darstellung des vielgestaltigen morphologischen Erscheinungsbildes des malignen Melanoms und seiner Vorlauferlasionen mit den wesentlichen Differenzialdiagnosen und ausfuhrlichen Therapiehinweisen."
Ein Bildband mit der Darstellung des vielgestaltigen morphologischen Erscheinungsbildes des malignen Melanoms und seiner Vorlauferlasionen mit den wes...
The World Congress of Dermatology (Congressus Mundi Dermatologiae, CMD) is held every 5 years. The purpose of this meeting is to review and summarize the present status of scientific knowledge in clinical dermatology and to in related basic research, to discuss recent results and ideas among colleagues and to contribute to the develop ment of new clinical and scientific research programmes for the future. It is evident that the Proceedings of such a meeting, where major dermatological work from five continents is presented, should be reviewed carefully and published as soon as possi ble. This...
The World Congress of Dermatology (Congressus Mundi Dermatologiae, CMD) is held every 5 years. The purpose of this meeting is to review and summarize ...