Whereas then' has been significant progress in various branches of elementary particle physics during the last decade or so, Quantum Electrodynamics seems to be in a somewhat stagnating phase. For people not involved in sophisticated questions of relativistic field theories the situation might appear as not very di(: ltinct from the time, when Schwinger, Feynman and Dyson publishl'ld their famous articles in the early 1950's. Only some arguments against the possibility of a finite Quantum Electrodynamics (1953) has caused a significant reaction and initiated a rather vehement discussion. In...
Whereas then' has been significant progress in various branches of elementary particle physics during the last decade or so, Quantum Electrodynamics s...
Weak interactions and higher symmetries are nowadays of special importance for elementary particles theory. Lately both theoretical and experimental physicists became more and more interested in the subject. Because of the complicated subject and the scarce available literature proper introductions in the subject are tiresome. The mathematical back ground such as higher Algebra and Grouptheory etc. cannot be applied immediately in all cases. The third Schladming University Courses on the above subject belong to this category. The present first supplement volume of "Acta Physica Austriaca"...
Weak interactions and higher symmetries are nowadays of special importance for elementary particles theory. Lately both theoretical and experimental p...
The great success of the experimental research on elementary particles and their qualities during the last years suggests giving a summary of the present situation also in the theoretical description of this important branch of physics. In spite of the precarious situation in this field of theoretical physics I believe I can fully account for this choice and must see that the number of participants and the general interest justify my opinion. In organizing the proceedings it was our prime concern to reduce the delay in editing and also keep down the price. This was possihle only through the...
The great success of the experimental research on elementary particles and their qualities during the last years suggests giving a summary of the pres...
The past meetings held under the auspices of the Austrian Ministry of Education and the successes and benefits derived from these lectures in former years have encouraged us to continue this year with a survey of high energy physics. The experimental side of this field has undergone such a great advancement that the evaluation of huge masses of data called for the theoretical physicist to develop new theories and to explain facts and connections which we have not been able to clarify up to the present. In spite of the precarious situation especially in the field of Elementary Particle...
The past meetings held under the auspices of the Austrian Ministry of Education and the successes and benefits derived from these lectures in former y...
The subject of this year's conference, as of the six previous meetings, was again elementary particle physics. One of the main topics of current interest here is the understanding of strong interactions; some of the attempts to explain them are discuBBed at length in these proceedings, including current algebra, Regge pole theory and effective Lagrangians. On the other hand, the proceBses of weak interactions, too, are not yet fully understood, especially when strong interactions intervene, as in the radiative corrections to weak decays. Several other aspects of elementary particle physics...
The subject of this year's conference, as of the six previous meetings, was again elementary particle physics. One of the main topics of current inter...
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the Schrodinger equation a small symposium was organized in Vienna. It had mainly retrospective character, where after an appreciation of Schrodinger's scientific achievements the results were collected which one could extract from his equation. Of course not all the developments which originated in Schrodingers dis- coveries could be included. Instead, it was attempted to present a review of the established predictions which follow directly from his equation. Despite the 50 years of its existence there are always new results of this...
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the Schrodinger equation a small symposium was organized in Vienna. It had mainly retrospe...
These lectures represent a condensation of a number of colloquia, seminars and discussions held at the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the University of Graz during the last years and epitomize the principal lines of research undertaken by my group. From the very beginning of my appointment at the University of Graz in 1947 I have been concerned with the task of bringing up a relatively small group of scientifically interested and open-minded co-workers and of stimulating them to sound scientific research. Since 1930 I myself have dealt with subjects of the kind treated in these lectures,...
These lectures represent a condensation of a number of colloquia, seminars and discussions held at the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Univers...
Soluble quantum field theory models are a rare commodity. An infinite number of degrees of freedom and noncompact invariance groups have a nasty habit of ex ploding in the model-makers' face. Nevertheless, impor tant progress has recently been made in the class of superrenormalizable relativistic theories, such as a self-interacting boson in a two-dimensional space time 1]. These results have been obtained starting with the free field and adding the interaction in a carefully controlled way. Yet, the models successfully studied in this way do DQ have an infinite field strength...
Soluble quantum field theory models are a rare commodity. An infinite number of degrees of freedom and noncompact invariance groups have a nasty habit...